
“David’s coaching style is perceptive, curious, intuitive, gentle, skillful, generative and positive. I found him to be in many ways the most highly-skilled coach I’ve worked with in my two years with Reciprocoach yet he didn’t draw attention to himself in our sessions. He invariably respected where I was and worked with me from there, Through powerful questioning, an intuitive sensibility and his adept navigation of the undercurrents of our sessions he framed and held my discovery and learning process with a keen sense of the larger picture while being wholly in the present moment so that I felt energized as I gained valuable insight.” – Dana J – February 1 -2015 – USA

“David brings a sense of tranquility with his coaching. This enabled me to slow down and take the time to think and reflect on the issues that were important to me. He was able to remove the pressure of time during our sessions which greatly helped me be in the present moment and appreciate the here and now. Thanks David for helping me discover a new perspective.”  Gaye K. May 19th – 2014 – Australia

“David has a wonderful capacity to be both gentle and tough as a coach. He subtly probes and very often “hit the nail on the head” without my noticing. Listened. David was able to probe and push around pieces that I had not realized were relevant. Through this laser coaching with David I was reminded to go back to my core values and principles when feeling stuck. This lightened my load and energized me to push through some challenges.” Toni B. March 10, 2013 – Australia

“Hi David, thanks very much for your coaching. You are a real and good coach (not a priest! ha haaa). Your work served me well. Good mirror as well. Thanks again” Marta L. April 5, 2012 – Spain

“His style is very client friendly, supportive and encouraging. He is able to build trust with his client in a very short period. He always created an environment of openness, which allows clients to say whatever they want to say. David teaches me how to enjoy the process of doing as well. Now I am more relaxed and enjoy the process more instead of just focus on the result.” Monica S. April 8th, 2012 – Hong Kong